Being On Time...
If you've read any of the rest of this blog you will know that I am rather high on this concept of "say what you'll do, and do what you say!" Sounds sort of old fashioned doesn't it? But I'm concerned that in today's world one of the things we are leaving behind is the concept of being forthright.
For instance, when was the last time you set an appointment and arrived either on time, or early? This sounds so simple but boy oh boy is it abused! Probably no action is more simple than 'saying what time you'll be there, and being there on time!' Remember, "say what you'll do, and do what you say!" My girls are sick of hearing it by now! If you were to ask them how many times when they were growing up I made a big deal about being on time, they would say it was a lot! My second line was probably even more famous to them - "being late suggests to the waiting person that your schedule is more important then theirs!" Ugh! At least call them if you know you're running late!
The 'kissing cousin' to this concept is moving the meeting around, or canceling at the last minute. Nothing shouts "I am tremendously important and you're not!" like re-scheduling the meeting within a few hours of the appointed time! I've become convinced through the years that some people move meetings just to remind us of their importance. To be fair about it, sometimes being late or re-scheduling at the last minute can't be helped. After all, this is life we're talking about here! But habitually falling into either of the aforementioned patterns may suggest that other, deeper issues may be at play.
I'm convinced that very few last minute opportunities are so unbelievably time sensitive that they require upsetting everyone else's schedule by changing a meeting time. Could it be that you are so overcommitted that you really have to play "apple cart turnover" with both your schedule and everyone else's? Are you so overwhelmed and exhausted that commitments made some time ago need to be cancelled or moved to accommodate your exhaustion?"Say what you'll do, and do what you say!"
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